How does a sculptor designs a stainless steel work of art?

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How does a sculptor designs a stainless steel work of art?

Stainless steel art commissions , free work   or garden statues 

It is challenging for an artist to carry out an art assignment. There is often a specific wish for a work of art in the garden (garden statues), entrance or as an award or (wedding) gift.It is different from making so-called free work , but not necessarily less free. Or as Goethe said: In der Beschränkung zeigt sich erst der Meister .  

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Stainless steel sculpture designs

To be able to make a sculpture you need a design. to be. For an artist-sculptor it often starts with a sketch. That could even be a scratch on the corner of a napkin or newspaper. If you feel that this has the potential to evolve into a beautiful stainless steel work of art, the next step comes.

Stainless steel sculptures – 3D models 

There are several ways to translate the sketch into a 3D model so well . Increasingly popular zis the way with a 3D computer program like Blender or Solid works an artist’s impression to make. The advantage is that it immediately gives an impression of the stainless steel sculpture in its environment. Still, making a small model in cardboard, plaster or clay is a lot of fun.


The image then literally takes shape under your hands. The materials and shapes feel in your hands give a feeling no 3D program can provide. Whatever I choose: afterthat I make a mockup of the sculpture with cheap sculpting materials and such as  wax, clay, cardboard or wood.

Stainless steel sculpture Prototype or Mock-up  

If you like the small model of the artwork; or if I like the 3D artist’s impression , I first make the design of the stainless steel sculpture in full size from cheap material. Think of sculptural materials such as cardboard, clay, wood or plaster. The life-size art statue gives a good impression of the proportions. You can also immediately see whether the stainless steel sculpture or work of art does not look too large or small.


Perform stainless steel sculpture 

For stainless steel art or stainless steel sculptures you can work with various metal processing techniques. The most important thing is that the shape is correct. Once that shape and proportions are in order after adjustments, you can start working with peace of mind. Then it is cutting, rolling, tapping, setting, bending and / or welding to get the stainless steel into the correct shape. The materials I work with are mainly stainless steel sheet metal and stainless steel profiles (pipes and tubes)

Finish stainless steel sculpture 

If the shape and proportions are correct, you also want the finish to match. A nice finish of the stainless steel is half the battle.  The so-called skin of the stainless steel can be processed in several ways.The stainless steel sculptures can cut or polished to be . After sanding, the stainless steel is polished with grease until the stainless steel shines like a mirror. I regularly contrast the polished parts with matt surfaces . This contrast gives visual tension and ensures that continues to fascinate to look at the sculpture too . Other finishes and so as directionless abrasive acids or stainless steel which brushed is to form a beautiful sculpture strengthen .


Quality stainless steel sculptures 

To ensure that the sculptures remain beautiful, I use the best quality stainless steel. The used stainless steel of stainless steel Sculptures has the quality 316 (stainless steel 316) which is suitable for the most severe conditions. This means that an art sculpture also remains beautiful outside. Stainless steel works of art can therefore be placed inside the home or office as well as outside in the garden or public space.


View stainless steel art 

Besides on the internet my stainless steel sculptures can also be found in various sculpture gardens and art galleries. If you want to visit it, it is best to make an appointment in advance and inquire whether the stainless steel sculpture or art statue you want to see is also on display.


This article is brought to you by Jeroen Stok stainless steel sculptures

Jeroen Stok – Stainless steel artist


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April 30, 2021 |

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