
Why banning e-cigarettes is a mistake

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San Francisco has banned the sale of e-cigarettes. Physical stores have to stop selling, web shops elsewhere in the country are no longer allowed to deliver to addresses in the city. According to the reports, the main purpose of the measure is to prevent vaping from taking root and young people starting to smoke through vaping.

Encourage vaping

In England, an opposing policy has been followed for years: vaping is encouraged there by the government. After all, experience shows that people who have never smoked seldom try an e-cigarette. The thing is popular among people who were already used to smoking and want to get rid of it. Eliquid store Ecigmarketxl.comis cheap. In fact, vaping is the most effective approach to smoking cessation, the British National Health Service found after a large-scale study. It is twice as effective as nicotine gum, sprays or patches. 

Switching to e-cigarettes also offers major health benefits: according to the National Health Service, vaping is about 95 percent less harmful than smoking.

Smoking regularly

Among British young people, the use of the e-sig is not that bad. Long-term research among more than 200,000 young people showed that, fortunately, regular smoking has lost a lot of popularity among them anyway: the percentage of young smokers fell from 19 percent in 1998 to 5 percent in 2015. Furthermore, it is almost exclusively young people who have smoked before who regularly vape. . Only 0.2 percent of non-smoking young people under the age of 18 vape.

The British government therefore concludes that young people sometimes experiment with e-sigs, but that acceptance of the e-cigarette does not lead to more smoking, on the contrary: the number of smokers continues to fall steadily in all age groups. Vaping mainly acts as a tool to become an ex-smoker.

So why does San Francisco want to ban vaping anyway? Partly out of misplaced fear. Vaping fits the bad-to-worse theory: you would go from one relatively harmless addiction to increasingly worse forms at a rapid pace, almost as if smoking a joint every now and then is the prelude to a GHB or heroin addiction. However, nicotine itself is not that addictive (reason why nicotine patches and chewing gum can be freely available, without people persevering in their use en masse).

Combustion Process

When smoking, it is the combustion process of the tobacco that is harmful and addictive. In general, vapers are quite capable of lowering the nicotine content of their vaping liquid along the way and are considerably better off without their e-sig than smokers without their sapphire. Banning vaping is a misconception, based on the idea that the supply of non-alcoholic beer only leads to more alcoholism. It’s a shame: by putting fumes in the damn booth, we’re losing a great opportunity to get more people off smoking. The best e cigarettes store Ecigmarketxl.comis cheap. Meanwhile, tobacco sales continue – including in San Francisco.

January 26, 2022 |

Joy Organics CBD – Quit Smoking Naturally

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Joy Organics CBD is an herbal supplement that has helped many people quit smoking. It has helped many other people quit too. But does it really work? In this article I’m going to take a closer look at the claims the company makes about the effectiveness of their supplement and whether or not it’s actually effective. Hopefully you’ll be able to make an informed decision about whether or not this might be something you’d be interested in trying.


So, what is CBD? It’s short for Cannabidiol, which is the same thing as THC, the compound in marijuana that makes you feel “high”. So basically, if you take CBD you’ll be getting the same “high” feeling you get from smoking pot. But unlike marijuana, your body won’t go through the horrible experience of withdrawal when you take CBD. Which is good news if you’re someone who suffers from frequent pot use.


When you use CBD it helps your nervous system and your brain function better. In short, it helps you stay calm under pressure. If you’re taking a product that claims it can help your nervous system, it can only be beneficial if it actually works. Otherwise it will just have the opposite effect, driving you to smoke more cigarettes.


But is there an effective supplement out there? There are quite a few products on the market today that claim to be able to help people quit cigarettes with very little effort. And a lot of them do help. But they’re hardly effective, which is why I wanted to write this review.


But did you know that the most effective supplement on the market today is called Pure CBD? It is manufactured by a company based in Canada, and it was actually created to specifically help people who want to quit smoking but cannot do so with nicotine replacement therapy. The problem is that nicotine replacement therapies haven’t been proven effective enough to help people quit. Pure CBD on the other hand has helped hundreds of people quit smoking all over the world using its unique formula.


What does Pure CBD do to help you quit smoking naturally? Basically it does three things for you. First of all, it increases your body’s ability to produce its own endorphins, which are the natural painkillers found in your body that make you feel good. Also, it increases blood flow to your nerves and brain, which allow those parts to function better. Lastly, it helps keep your nervous system healthy, as well as improve your overall health.

April 13, 2021 |
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